Cognizant of the laws and regulations governing the tobacco sub-sector in Uganda namely;

1) Tobacco Control and Marketing Act 1967,

2) Tobacco (Control and Marketing) Regulations, 1996, and,

3) Tobacco Control and marketing Act, 2015,

GLH commits to fully adhere to them but also cautions the regulator to respect the rights of the companies as enshrined in the Constitution of Uganda. We also look forward to all inclusive forums where all the stakeholders in the industry are actively involved during the formulation and enactment of these laws and regulations as they affect millions of Ugandans whose livelihoods depend on the tobacco sub-sector.


Tobacco Growers Registration 2019. Click Here to View

The entry of GLH into the Uganda tobacco sub-sector has dramatically revolutionized the tobacco growing landscape in the country, so much so that in 2016, the ministry of Trade, Industry and cooperatives issued an order paper requiring all the licensed tobacco companies to among other conditions;

a) Promote the use of certified seeds,

b) Keep a register of their contracted tobacco growers,

c) Buy tobacco only from their licensed buying centers, and,

d) Promptly pay their contracted growers for the tobacco delivered to them within a period of not more than 14 days from the date of sale.

As a result, there has been several casualties where in the year 2019, out of the 8 applicants, only 4 companies were licensed to grow and sponsor farmers.

LICENSED COMPANIES 2019. Click Here to View