As a responsible corporate citizen, we have taken it as our duty and obligation to establish tree nurseries and supply each of our FCV farmers with 100 tree seedlings and 50 tree seedlings to each of our DFC and Burley farmers annually.
Alongside this, we have partnered with other likeminded stakeholders to establish woodlots in all the districts where we operate.
In a bid to ensure that our farmers have got adequate food at their homes, we have hired the same tobacco land used by our farmers during the offseason period and distributed maize seeds which they plant during the short rains. Our company offers market for the excess maize produced thus further improving on their income.
In this arrangement, the maize planted utilizes the residual fertilizers as our highly trained extension field staffs offer technical services to the farmers.
To our other stakeholders, we contract their transport services to haul our tobacco leaf from the farm gate to the buying points and eventually to our warehouses.
All these including the tens of young people that we employ either directly or indirectly is our way of giving back to the society and thereby supporting the livelihoods of tens of hundreds in the community


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