Our focus is in developing an efficient and quality oriented farmer base capable of producing and delivering to us unprecedented high quality Green Leaf Tobaccos that meet internationally acceptable standards both in sugar and nicotine contents.

We have long known that as an upcoming industry player and using our available resources and our team of highly experienced agronomy staffs we have the duty, obligation and potential to train, mold and mentor a sizable base of growers who are capable of producing and supplying to us quality and unparalleled tobaccos that will make our clientele always yearn for more and more of our products.




Our strategy so far has driven the success of our business in the three years of our existence which is reflected in the progress we have made in developing a transformational agenda in the Ugandan tobacco industry with a well informed and business oriented society.



At GLH, we strive to be the regional crème de la crème at satisfying our customers’ needs with quality flavor and semi flavor styles of Dark Fire Cured, Air Cured and Flue Cured Virginia tobaccos all in a one stop shop.
Well aware that our customers are at the core of everything we do and that our success largely depends on addressing their preferences, concerns and desires to get value for money, we have hugely invested in our human resource who by offering extension services ensure that our growers wisely balance between making profit as well as meeting their societal welfare without compromising on quality.

Our long term objective is to be the world’s finest at satisfying our clientele with world class tobaccos, tobacco products and their by-products simply by “a click of a button”.